Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Today my baby turns 9 months old. He is such a sweet boy and so easy going. Well, unless you are feeding him too slowly.. and then.. well, watch out, or rather, put in earplugs. We go tomorrow for his 9 month checkup, so we will see how he is growing. He is a tall baby and is mainly in 12 month clothes. (almost 18 month for rompers) He has 4 big teeth, two top and two bottom, and is currently drooling enough to make a small river in his room, so I think he is working on some more. I also make Caleb's baby food, again, thanks Julie for the book recommendation, and it is going great. With Lauren, I made her food until I didn't know how... like squash.. well, because I don't know how to cook squash, but with Caleb.. I am impressed with myself. He loves carrots, peas, sweet potato and applesauce. He likes peas, peaches, squash, pears, green beans, asparagus, zucchini, potato, and bananas. And, I have a blueberry and turkey puree waiting for him this week.

My sweet, still boy has also started army crawling over this past week and our lives will never be the same. He was getting really good at rolling everywhere he needed, but now, he can go forward.. slowly, but steady. I used to be able to put him in his room with some toys and leave him for a good amount of time while doing other things around the house... but now, he comes out of the room, towards the books, towards everything that I am not ready for him to get into.

But, that is just my little boy.

Lauren Lou is getting to be such a big girl these days. She loves her little brother, unless he is trying to get what she is playing with, or coloring. She will run into his room, grab a handful of toys, and bring them to him so he will leave her stuff alone. Pretty mature of her, right? She is playing soccer now, and when I say playing, I mean it loosely. She has a friend on the team, and neither of them are very interested in the game. AND, get this... Our coaches decided that our team wasn't "getting it," so they added a Friday night practice. That means practice twice a week, and a game on Saturday. We have decided, for our family, that Friday is optional. I mean, seriously?? If she loved it and wanted to play, and was excited about practice, then we would definitely go on Friday, but she doesn't, so we don't.. most of the time.

Mark and I are doing well. We have been blessed with two great sleeping children, and count ourselves lucky since we both love to sleep. When we have free time, we have really enjoyed being outside in this nice weather. Mark has made a few raised garden beds and a trellis, and have started our own herb garden. It's been nice "going green" with our family, and Lauren definitely has a green thumb like her Daddy.

AND, finally.. GLEE is back on!!!! Sue Sylvester.. you are one offensive cheerleading coach, but, shame on me.. I LOVE YOU!!! Welcome back!


Julie said...

YEAH!!! I love the post and the pictures :)

Emily said...

Oh Sue...Vogue was so awesome. :)