Monday, July 9, 2012

Sick Edition:

Lou is sick. 

She has a fever and it has gotten the better of her and insisted to take a nap today.  My 5 year old said, "Mommy, I insists to take a nap. My tummy hurts."  She took a 2.5 hour nap.

Little boy blue was super cranky yesterday after church (to be honest, he woke up cranky,) and took a 3.5 hour nap.  He did not go to sleep last night until 10pm.

That's the way the we roll.

So, with that said, our extent of fun today has been this:

1. Going to Costco for one bag of frozen chicken, and a lady running in front of us to get in line.  With her cart overflowing. My children were both crying.  Did I tell you I only had one bag of chicken? She did not make eye contact. 

2. Watching movies. All day.  Except during naptime. Do I get a pass on bad parenting?

3. Caleb is currently in his room, "watching fireworks."  He has a fishing line stick with a magnet on it that he is pretending are the fireworks. Pretty imaginative? Eh?

Our week has great promise... especially since we are forecasted for rain.. THANK YOU JESUS.. and Mark is out of town. 

1 comment:

maggie may said...

hope everyone feels better soon! let us know if you need anything at all.