Saturday, July 7, 2012

the 4th

Fourth of July, Firework fun, Hot summer night

On July 3rd, after a Bible study at our church, the kids, Mark and I drove to a parking lot near Fiesta Texas to watch their firework display.  This was Caleb: 
Sweet boy was not having any of it.  He was shaking so badly, that all he wanted to do was sit in the car and watch them. This is a different side to my boy that runs and jumps headfirst into most things, with me running behind him, as tired as can be.

We went a day early to miss the crowds of the next night,and because we went out to Aunt Jill's house (outside of city limits,) to shoot off our own fireworks.. which has become a tradition for our families that live down here.  We brought the fireworks, Gram and PaPa brought dinner, and Aunt Jill provided the powered car for the kids to enjoy.  Please excuse the stains on Lou's dress.. she really enjoys herself a slice or two of watermelon.  :)

When it got dark, our pyromaniac husbands went to work at shooting off the fireworks that we got.. not an impressive display, but just some fun ones that we knew wouldn't hurt anyone, too badly at least.  Once again, Caleb was not having any of it, and sat in my lap with my hands over his ears shaking.  Lauren was running from the inside of the house, back to where we were to watch and to make sure everyone was doing okay.  She has the gift of taking care of others, that girl.

Another Fourth of July down..

Sit back, relax, let go and have fun.
Jesus loves you

1 comment:

maggie may said...

how fun! love the pics!