Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Paint that Puffs... when you microwave it.   a

I woke up yesterday morning, after a long night of tossing and turning mind you, thinking that it would be a fun day for the kids to paint. And our community pool is closed on Mondays, so there went our daily afternoon activity.  Lauren gets really excited about painting at home because, "Mom, really?  You don't let us paint! We only do that at school."  She has told me this in front of others before and they promptly give me the mother of the year award because what good stay at home Mom doesn't let their children paint on a daily basis? (This Mom.)

I found a recipe for "Magic Puff Paint" in Parent's magazine (Mom reading Parent's magazine, how cliche,) and decided to surprise the kids with painting after their respective quiet times. 

(PSA- most, if not all, of the pictures that I post on my blog will be taken with my cell phone, since it is more handy than lugging my good camera around.  Sorry for the lack of quality.)

Here is the recipe I used, along with directions. 
1 tablespoon flour
1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 tablespoons of water
food coloring of choice
Sturdy card Stock
paint brushes

1. Mix together ingredients (right before use) until smooth and add food coloring.
2.  To dry and puff the paint, microwave the finished work for 20 seconds. (If not dry, try 10 more.)

My recommendation: 
Use enough water to make the mixture smooth, but thick.  The paint will only puff up in the thick areas. The paper also comes out a little warm, so watch out for little fingers so they won't get burned.

Both of my kids really enjoyed this project. They both LOVE to paint and the fact that we microwaved their paintings only made it more fun.  We made quite a mess, but it was all really easy to clean.  (In fact, the play doh that we made was harder to clean off of the table than this paint.)

We will definitely be doing this project again.  The kids LOVED it!

Sit back, relax, let go and have fun.
Jesus loves you.

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