Monday, July 12, 2010

Birthday week

It's birthday week in the Swayze household! Our sweet boy is turning the BIG ONE on Wednesday, with a party to follow on Saturday. This has been one fast year with Caleb. I cannot believe a year ago today I was (hugely swollen) pregnant.

He is not a still baby, by any means.. and although he is not walking yet, he gets by with crawling everywhere, and cruising on walls and furniture when he gets a chance. He still has 6 teeth, but I felt one coming up on the bottom this morning. He has been sick this past week with some sort of tummy virus (or, that's what I'm going to call it) and not once had a fever and continued to be a great sleeper.

This picture above is not of him sleeping.. although, that would have been nicer. It was his first big fit and he was upset with me because I didn't pick him up. Poor guy.. so hard being one! ;)

Lauren Lou has been great such a big ham lately, and loves to be silly. We have been re-painting our house, so she has gotten to watch more than her fair share of movies, and it is hilarious what she takes away from them. She said something about Bambi earlier at the zoo today. (I don't remember the comment, though, because I was trying not to melt.)

She was the flower girl for our friends' wedding. YAY for Chris and Melendy Jacobie! She was so shy and quiet (I almost didn't recognize her) until she wanted a cupcake! (Which, we snuck one early.. sorry guys.)

And, over the fourth of July, she played with her first sparklers. (Which, ironically, are from Mark and I's wedding reception 6 years ago.)


Melendy Mathis said...

I look like a crazy person in that photo.

maggie may said...

I'm not gonna lie, those are pretty cute pics!!