December was a rough month for Lauren and I. I think we spent 7/8 of the month sick. Twice with the stomach virus, with the last one starting on Christmas day. Thankfully, we are better now.
We have had so much fun with traveling and spending time with family. Lauren received so many Christmas and birthday gifts that will last her the year round. Her favorites so far is the Disney Princess tent, her playhouse, her Baby set with stroller, pack and play, and swing included, her table and chair set, and her many many many other toys, puzzles and play dough accessories.
Also, Lauren turned TWO on December 29th, and we had great plans of going to the zoo and celebrating with just the three of us, BUT, Mark and I had the stomach virus all day, so we stayed inside, on the couch, and since I was the worse one off, Mark played with Lauren all day.
She is becoming such a big girl, and recently has started to say I love you, without any prompting. It is so sweet! She will also say things like I love peanut crackers, or I love cookies. We are definitely hitting a new stage in life because her diet is changing. The guaranteed food she will eat: cookies, carrots, crackers, and M and Ms. Sad. I hope she gets over this stage and eats like she used too. And, we are learning how to discipline and will shortly be purchasing Dare to Discipline since we have heard many friends talk about it and love it. We will start potty training soon, and also will be moving Lauren's room to a bigger room in the house with a big-girl bed. But, those are in the near future, not anything too pressing. I need to find paint colors, storage, decorations, sheets and a bed first.
And, with that, I leave you with pictures.

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