Wednesday, January 7, 2009


So, I did a little retail therapy with Lauren today...
And.... drum roll please... She was an ANGEL!!

I know, I know... I have been complaining about her tantrums.

Well, let me start by saying that I think Apple I-touches are God's gifts to moms.
Seriously you ask?! Seriously!

I downloaded a few of her favorite cartoons, and WHAM.. she watches and actually SITS in her stroller, all while I shop. It is amazing! We were able to hit up the Gap and Gymboree without any problems. (Well, halfway through shopping she had her mind set on a cookie, but I didn't have one, so.. she kept asking.. for an HOUR!)

Then, we went to lunch at one of my favorites, Logan's, with some of my favorite people, Mark, Denise and Jarrod, and she was great again. No fits, no screaming, she sat right down, ate some yummy bread and peanuts, drank some refreshing lemonade, and played with Daddy and Denise. Beautiful!!!

Now, for the kicker. Onour way home for nap time, I decided to make a quick stop at Target, not sure of how she would act since it was sleepy time... and, plugged in Little Bear, and she was great again.. and, kept saying please and thank you when she needed something. AMAZING!

Ahh... maybe toddlerhood isn't all about screams, fits, more of everything, and kicking with diaper changes. :)


Amanda said...

haha... you are so cute Miss! Way to go on figuring out how to do all of that! I'll have to come back to this in the future I am sure!!

katy said...

That is hilarious!