Thursday, January 15, 2009

So we thought

So we thought we were all over the December sickness.
And reasonably so, we were sick a LOT.

Well, I thought my daughter was going crazy.
Now, I am not talking cute crazy, I am talking, I need a psychiatrist crazy.
You laugh or might even think about calling CPS on me for thinking a 2 year old needs a psychiatrist, but if you have been around her for the last week, you might think the same.

First, she refuses to walk on sidewalks. She claims there are ants on them. No ants. No ants anywhere since the fall. I actually think something must have biten her recently, or someone scared her, because she just has her mind made up that there are ants on the sidewalk. Hmmmm.

Second, she has been grabbing her ears and saying bugs. Now, I thought this was because she had a bee buzz around her head at the park the other day, and she just got scared. Then, it kept happening. If not in her ears, then she would clasp her hands and say bugs, or would not put on a shirt because of the bugs. Well, yesterday she woke up with a 102 temp, that quickly spiked to 104, so we went into the doctor. My sweet girl has had a double ear infection for the past few days without me realizing it. So, we have several medicines now that will help with it all.

BUT, she will not take her medicine, and if we force her to take it (two-person hold on the ground,) she screams so hard that she just spits it up soon after. So, we do not know how much absorbed, if any, and can not give her more. This goes for Tylenol, Motrin, Amoxicillon, and yes, even her ear drops. I am trying to get creative and put her medicine in things that she likes, but she has not appetite right now, so she takes one drink, and she is done. Motrin in orange Gatorade; Amoxicillon in chocolate milk. Any other creative suggestions??


katy said...

oh man. I feel ya, Missy. You ALL must be SO tired! I can't say I really have too many ideas for taking meds. Does she take it in a little cup or with one of those syringe looking things? You can try to squirt it far back in her mouth or to the side to where she has to swallow. Prayer also works wonderfully. :)

Becky said...

You know...I've got nothing for creative ways to take medicine because my children beg FOR it! They love taking medicine!! So, I really am sorry that you are having to go through that.

We have been sick for the past two weeks, so I know what that feels like. Me and both girls...sick! I'm ready for it to go away and have "normal" life again.

Summer is coming soon!! Then the sickness will calm down a little, hopefully!