Sunday, July 22, 2012

BluePrint Ministries

This past week the kids and I had a fun opportunity to help serve our sweet friends at BluePrint Ministries.  You can check them out here:

This ministry allows youth to travel to San Antonio and serve a low income community near the downtown area.  Many youth groups and local churches make a trip annually to serve here by working on houses and other various projects.

Below is a picture of the founder, DeeDee Sedgwick.  Caleb is helping her toss some popsicles into the ice chest.

Here are some kids we brought popsicles too.  Yes, Lauren and Caleb both grabbed one for themselves.

Thanks to our friend Sarah, who works at BluePrint, on helping us get involved. Sarah allowed us to bring these popsicles straight to youth working on houses.  This was a great way for my two young children to help others (who in turn were helping the homeowners.)  It all flows beautifully.  We were given two houses to drive to and pass out popsicles to the youth that were melting working in the heat. 

What a great time!  Thanks to DeeDee and all the other amazing volunteers/staff/interns at BluePrint Ministry. You truly are the hands and feet of Christ! 

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