Monday, November 9, 2009

Mark and I are in the middle of purging our house.

We have piles built up in our bedroom and living area of stuff. Stuff that we need to give away, throw away, sell, etc.

Mark started this process while Lou was sick over the weekend. He went through our ENTIRE closet. (This is the one place in our house we can shove things without anyone finding them or seeing them, so you can only imagine how ridiculously messy it was.) Without asking me about clothes, or really anything, he just went through the entire closet, and threw things away. I will have to post pictures later of the huge pile of clothes we need to get rid of. I feel nothing but ridiculous for having this many clothes that I don't wear, when I know that there are people that I cross every day that cannot afford this things for their families.

I also went through our "junk" closet and cleaned it out... ahh, much better, and Lou's art closet.

It is nice to get rid of the junk that clutters our house. We have made progress, but there are still papers crammed into the many drawers of our home, our kitchen needs to be reorganized(please don't look in our kitchen cabinets.. eek,) and I need to go through my children's clothing and get what doesn't fit out.

Wouldn't it be nice if our walk with the Lord was this easy. Just go through the "junk" in our lives, throw it away, and start over. It is hard to just throw it away, not look back, because we all know that there are things we would LOVE to throw out, but hold on to it.. chipped, broken, too small, too big, too many memories.

God delivers us from our "junk," He makes us whole, He makes us beautiful, and we are His children.

I always feel like I post way too much about my children, and not enough about me, my spiritual walk, my life. So, I am going to try to do that more. Get ready to learn more about Missie, it's gonna be a fun ride!

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