... when you are sleep-deprived.
Just kidding. We are not sleep-deprived, we are just adjusting to our new "normal."
Mark was in Costa Rica for 9 days last week with his band for a Spiritual Emphasis Week at a Methodist school. God moved in big ways and not only with the Costa Rican kids. Mark did not take very many pictures, (he only took his handy-dandy iphone,) but where Mark fell short, Ryan took P-L-E-N-T-Y! They are the most hilarious pictures I have seen in a long time.
While Mark was gone, Lauren Lou worked on potty-training. (Well, Lauren Lou with guidance from me.) She did great, and continues to do great. The hardest part was getting her off of the little potty that we had bought for her, but I (sort of) tricked her, and she sat on the toilet from then on. Which, I might add, is an accomplishment for being able to take her out in public wearing her "big-girl" panties. She is doing great with Caleb. She loves him just enough to be sweet on him, but not too much where we have to keep her off of him. She shows interest every once in a while, but mostly leaves him alone. If she hears him cry, she worries about him, but does not smother him. She, of course, is becoming more independent and has her own way of doing things. She is a little sass of a girl, and has been getting time outs quite a bit for yelling and throwing fits. She is also into TinkerBell and Ariel at the moment, and is easily persuaded to do anything I ask when bribed with one of the above. (Especially a bowel movement on the potty.)
Caleb is doing great. Growing so fast. This newborn stage is going much faster than when Lauren was this age. He is a great baby that enjoys eating, sleeping, long walks and car rides, and diaper changes. He is easy going and really only cries when he is hungry. He is a noisy little guy that grunts and coos a lot. I have adjusted to bringing two kids to the grocery store. I put him in the BabyBjorn and her in the cart if it is a big grocery day, and if we just need a few things, he stays in his carseat in the big part of the cart, and Lauren Lou sits up front. It is a pain having to take two of them, but when you need to go to the grocery store, you need to go.
As for me. I am adjusting and loving on Caleb and Lauren as much as I can. Honestly, Lauren can drive me crazy at times... she is very stubborn (I don't know who she got that from.. cough), but I have learned that she mimics my tone and attitude, so I am trying to keep my temper to toddler appropriate. When she throws a fit or gets upset, she goes in time-out, whether she is screaming or not. It also helps that Mark and I are starting PX90 (or whatever it is called,) so now I have an outlet to get out some frustration. She is a great child, don't get me wrong, just a 2 year old with a very strong opinion. And I, am a mother to this said 2 year old with a 2 month old, who enjoys to be held often.
1 comment:
cute pictures! And I'm there with ya!
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