Four and a half weeks ago, my Mom came in to town to help me before sweet Caleb came, and to finish things up around the house. She came on a Sunday, and I was due for my 38 week OBGYN appointment on that following Tuesday. It was an early appointment, so I snuck out of the house while everyone was still sleeping, barely getting dressed myself... without a stitch of makeup on and my hair looking like I literally rolled out of bed. (I did.) My amazing OBGYN, Dr. Vanover, was not in the office this week due to going to Guatemala with our church for a medical mission trip. So, I was to see the Nurse Practioner, who was HILARIOUS! She came straight in to the room, told me I had protein in my urine, and elevated blood pressure. She wanted to get a second opinion from the on-call doctor, and I was shortly whisked away in a wheelchair to the hospital to be "monitored." They wanted to see if they could get my blood pressure down. I actually felt really silly being wheeled over and had a few laughs with the sweet nurses who took me over there. I texted Mark, who was in a meeting at church by this time, and told him the situation: a. I would be sent home with nothing; b. I would be sent home on bed rest; or c. Induced. (Although I was dilated to a 3, and effaced to 60%, I thought I would be going home.) Mark called and wanted to come up. I told him not to until they told me a definite answer since our hospital is not the easiest to get to. (Lauren Lou was at home with my Mom, thank goodness!) So, I also call my Mom, tell her to get my bag packed, just in case, but I should be home. Mark showed up at the hospital about 20 minutes from me talking to him.
Our on-call doctor, Dr. Williams, came in at noon, and asked if I was ready to have a baby. I said "yes," thinking she was joking, and just like that, she broke my water. Mark left to go get my Mom, and Lauren's other grandmother came over to the house to watch her. Our good friend, Ryan, came up to the hospital and provided company until Mark got back. About 2 hours later, the contractions were coming faster, but not hurting too bad, and I stupidly told the GOOD DOCTOR- the anaesthesiologist- that he could go give another lady one and could come back later for me. MISTAKE. Around 4:00pm, I was hurting! Badly. Crying! Not cursing, but thought I was going to die. Mark kept leaving the room to find the doctor, and would come back empty handed. Well, he came, around 4:45. It felt like FOREVER for him to get the epidural in, BUT, as soon as he walked out of the room, I told the nurse I felt pressure.. and could move my toes and legs. Well, she checked, and here came Caleb. All 6 pounds 8 ounces and 20 inches of our sweet boy!
And, I did great! No passing out, fainting, tremors, throwing up with this one. I could actually walk all by myself within 2 hours of the epidural wearing off! I couldn't wait to eat though... I had skipped breakfast that morning thinking I would eat after my appointment. That hospital hamburger was delicious... no matter how meatless it might have been.
And now.. 4 weeks later. We are here. It has been tough adjusting to two kids, but Lauren Lou is doing great with Caleb.. being such a sweet and gentle big sister. She still has her tantrums, and she is not potty-trained, but we have time. Caleb is doing great, eating wonderfully, and sleeping, sometimes.
Yay for Missie! It sounds like this whole pregnancy/birth was easier. I really really can't wait to meet Mr. Caleb...and see Lauren Lou again. It's been so long! Love you friend!
thanks for posting your story! I love hearing all the differences in the miracle making business! I'm so glad it went so well and so fast. You're such a great mom, Missie!
It is good to read your update. Love the pictures, too. May God bless all of you! You're in my prayers, d
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