Sunday, July 22, 2012

BluePrint Ministries

This past week the kids and I had a fun opportunity to help serve our sweet friends at BluePrint Ministries.  You can check them out here:

This ministry allows youth to travel to San Antonio and serve a low income community near the downtown area.  Many youth groups and local churches make a trip annually to serve here by working on houses and other various projects.

Below is a picture of the founder, DeeDee Sedgwick.  Caleb is helping her toss some popsicles into the ice chest.

Here are some kids we brought popsicles too.  Yes, Lauren and Caleb both grabbed one for themselves.

Thanks to our friend Sarah, who works at BluePrint, on helping us get involved. Sarah allowed us to bring these popsicles straight to youth working on houses.  This was a great way for my two young children to help others (who in turn were helping the homeowners.)  It all flows beautifully.  We were given two houses to drive to and pass out popsicles to the youth that were melting working in the heat. 

What a great time!  Thanks to DeeDee and all the other amazing volunteers/staff/interns at BluePrint Ministry. You truly are the hands and feet of Christ! 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Arghhh.. Matey

Happy 3rd Birthday Caleb!

You are such a fun and active little boy and love to keep us on our toes. 
You really wanted a "Jake and the Neverland Pirates" birthday, so I had to be creative since they only had a few things out. We had a great party with family and friends, and Caleb had a great time.  I can't believe he is 3 already!  Here are some fun pictures from your birthday party.
This was a project that I found on pinterest. Super easy and super cute!

Every good Pirate needs his own flag.

The "Goody bags."

Caleb and Lauren. Best. Friends. Forever.
He got a helmet to go with his bike that Grammy got him.  Safety first, folks.
Fun friends. Evan, Lauren, Owen and Ali in the back.
Caleb, Reed and Jedidiah in the front.
Caleb and Reed. Two peas in a pod.  Love these boys.

Skewered fruit and marshmallows.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Sick Edition:

Lou is sick. 

She has a fever and it has gotten the better of her and insisted to take a nap today.  My 5 year old said, "Mommy, I insists to take a nap. My tummy hurts."  She took a 2.5 hour nap.

Little boy blue was super cranky yesterday after church (to be honest, he woke up cranky,) and took a 3.5 hour nap.  He did not go to sleep last night until 10pm.

That's the way the we roll.

So, with that said, our extent of fun today has been this:

1. Going to Costco for one bag of frozen chicken, and a lady running in front of us to get in line.  With her cart overflowing. My children were both crying.  Did I tell you I only had one bag of chicken? She did not make eye contact. 

2. Watching movies. All day.  Except during naptime. Do I get a pass on bad parenting?

3. Caleb is currently in his room, "watching fireworks."  He has a fishing line stick with a magnet on it that he is pretending are the fireworks. Pretty imaginative? Eh?

Our week has great promise... especially since we are forecasted for rain.. THANK YOU JESUS.. and Mark is out of town. 

Saturday, July 7, 2012

the 4th

Fourth of July, Firework fun, Hot summer night

On July 3rd, after a Bible study at our church, the kids, Mark and I drove to a parking lot near Fiesta Texas to watch their firework display.  This was Caleb: 
Sweet boy was not having any of it.  He was shaking so badly, that all he wanted to do was sit in the car and watch them. This is a different side to my boy that runs and jumps headfirst into most things, with me running behind him, as tired as can be.

We went a day early to miss the crowds of the next night,and because we went out to Aunt Jill's house (outside of city limits,) to shoot off our own fireworks.. which has become a tradition for our families that live down here.  We brought the fireworks, Gram and PaPa brought dinner, and Aunt Jill provided the powered car for the kids to enjoy.  Please excuse the stains on Lou's dress.. she really enjoys herself a slice or two of watermelon.  :)

When it got dark, our pyromaniac husbands went to work at shooting off the fireworks that we got.. not an impressive display, but just some fun ones that we knew wouldn't hurt anyone, too badly at least.  Once again, Caleb was not having any of it, and sat in my lap with my hands over his ears shaking.  Lauren was running from the inside of the house, back to where we were to watch and to make sure everyone was doing okay.  She has the gift of taking care of others, that girl.

Another Fourth of July down..

Sit back, relax, let go and have fun.
Jesus loves you

Our Backyard project

Can I just be real with you guys tonight? Yes?  Thankyousomuch! I. Am. Tired.

We've been hauling sand and crushed rocks (?granite, not sure?) from our driveway to our backyard, and guys, I am beyond EXHAUSTED.  First off, we are not the smartest two for doing this project in July, in Texas. Secondly, I have never shoveled so much dirt.  Mark either. Steve? Probably.. but only because he LOVES this type of stuff. We call him our landscape architect. Here's a small preview, although it is all covered with crushed granite now.  My back is thanking me.. ouch! 

We are hoping to get some more done this coming week, all before Caleb's big 3rd birthday next Saturday.  Something to know about Mark and I is that we like to start projects right before we have a party at our house.  We are nuts.  I will definitely post some pictures of the finished product!  That is, if I haven't melted to the granite by then. Pray for me, y'all!